Monday, December 22, 2008

what we have

The year of 2008 is coming to an end...time for resolutions and promise we all cant seem to keep.....i hope everyone of my faithful followers have a healthy and happy new year ..and a blessed year...... Please dont drive drunk..or even remotely think about it......if your in Lima Ohio come into my store and check out all the paper products we have..Baby shower...if your expecting a little one in 2009 come in and see all the stuff we have for  baby showers......and if your ready for Retirement...oh doesnt that sound nice.....We have banners and napkins and stuff for that too.....Bridal showers.25th  40th and 50th anniversary have a whole bunch of everything  come on in......the  atmosphere is warming

1 comment:

jayray said...

have a safe holiday