Monday, December 22, 2008
what we have
The year of 2008 is coming to an end...time for resolutions and promise we all cant seem to keep.....i hope everyone of my faithful followers have a healthy and happy new year ..and a blessed year...... Please dont drive drunk..or even remotely think about it......if your in Lima Ohio come into my store and check out all the paper products we have..Baby shower...if your expecting a little one in 2009 come in and see all the stuff we have for baby showers......and if your ready for Retirement...oh doesnt that sound nice.....We have banners and napkins and stuff for that too.....Bridal showers.25th 40th and 50th anniversary have a whole bunch of everything come on in......the atmosphere is warming
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Hey are you all getting ready for the New Year? Is anyone thinking romance?woo hoo nothing like that first kiss right at 12 midnight..cant wait for mine...Hubby and I are headed to none other then Niagra Falls......the canadian side....I think it will be a very romantic and wonderful trip....we are going to try and get some great pictures of the 2 of us by the falls...together and seperate...... well enough blogging today..catch you later....all you party animals.......
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Need things to send to your fellow soldier in Iraq ,we had a lady come into my store yesterday and bought 90 pcs of our .29cent new years supplies to send to bagdad. I was touched...her daughter, she said was stationed over there and she wanted her to bring in the New Year with a smile. So see, its worth coming in to my store.I have the most wonderful neice that will help you out. Dont forget the Napkins,cutlery,table rolls for all your banquets coming up. We switch it up each holiday season too..we carry valentines,st patricks day,easter, and oh my goodnessGRADUATION. yes they grew up that fast.....hope this blog is helpful...just follow the link beside the blog for my phone and address and location..and i appreciate all your business....
sincery, Kelley
sincery, Kelley
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Oh my gosh...have you ever ordered something out of a catalog or off line get it and its not what you expected and they you have to ship it back at your expense? This irritates me to know end. I ordered a generator from a well know catalog and it came to us as damaged goods and parts missing, now they are saying that i have to pay to ship this piece of junk back to them that is going to cost me over 100 bucks....i was mad today i seen steam coming out of my ears Lol......if this isnt rectified in the next few days i will tell you what company to boycott...right now i am giving them time to correct this situation.....good business is having happy customers..... thanks for reading my rant...if you have had problems like this feel free to write about it..its theraputic
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
.29 cent blow out for New Years
hey blogger friends thanks for stopping by...if your my friends you know i have this store in Lima Ohio we are trying to make it easier for kids today to stay home and party for New Years, so we have set up a table in the back we are calling it our .29cent blow out..... a kid can come in with 5 dollars and leave with a hat a blower some beads and a slew of leis.... we did the .29 cents because of going into 2009 the last year of this decade time flies.... while your here click on my google ads and take a look around.... or if your close to us come into my store and pick up some stuff for your little ones..thanks for all your are greatly appreciated...Your Friend Kelley
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Hey y'all sitting here at my small store...watching people go by..not that many out on a rainy day but enough to keep the chineese restuarant across the way busy and radio shack beside me busy.... If anyone else who is reading this has any ideas on how to fix our economy please feel free to blog to me about it..... oh and if i get my digital cam for christmas i will be uploading pictures of my business...and Jon and I are going to Niagra falls for christmas day hopefully we will get some really neat pictures......... keep bloging and keep clicking away ...... you never know when you just might win that 1000 dollar gift card from walmart LOL
Monday, December 8, 2008
hey guys i have sent you all the links to this blog...hope you send it on..if you live in Lima stop by and see me at my store Kelleys Holiday Supplies here in Lima at 2100 harding hwy in the rays eastgate plaza..and if your just driving thru Lima and want to see what we have feel free to stop by and say hello..... trying to get my business out there in this economy..... hugs to everyone and Merry Christmas and Happy New years
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Econimic Stimulus
Hey guys go out to all your local stores and support or balloons, buy New years hats, blowers, and signs....... us regular americans can keep this economy a float.....Lets all work on it
Thursday, December 4, 2008
hey everyone..this economy sucks right now one can find a job and if you do have a job you look behind you and say am i next on the lay offs....... i am here to say..stay positive...our world is changing....people dont think of the consequence of their actions...all this going green is great...but the long term on our job front no one looked have less packaging for landfills...great..but now that your not using that packaging you put someone out of work....does anyone think anything thru anymore? and whats this about using our food source for we are going to be staying home and hungry....this makes me sooo mad that no one thinks of the long term anyone with me on this?
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